The Clocktower: Finalized Piece
I’ve finalized and finished up the Clocktower. Here’s the final version:

I realized that these mountains work far better than the ones I had previously and by layering one on top of the other, I managed to create a pretty cool effect.
This one took a surprisingly longer than I thought it would. I think the main reason for that is that this clocktower is geometrically very complex. It’s also one of the few times I’ve tried to composite something. The mountains are actually composited in, along with the sky. The other major departure I’ve made for this piece, compared to previous pieces, is the use of a real HDRI for lighting, rather than the combination of Arnold physical sun and sky with directional lighting. I’m not sure that I totally feel that this is the route I will take, but it does definitely show promise, especially for more traditional outdoors environments.
I will try to make an effort to post more often, since I have been sort of neglecting this website for one reason or another. Since we are all indoors because of the pandemic, I should be able to rekindle this website a bit. I’m sure you would be more interested in reading and seeing more content as well.
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